7400+ 5-star reviews on Amazon. The most reviewed plant-based Omega-3 in the US.

🥬 Green smoothie, baby. Everyday. Plus our Chlorella will keep you detoxed and therefore beautified. From the inside out. 🥬

This puppy is the most epic way to jam pack your body full of gloriously, nutritious fresh veggies. It’s hydrating, fibre-rich and energizing. This smoothie is great first thing in the morning, as a pick me up mid-afternoon or as something to sip on while you’re whipping up a wicked plant-based dinner. (You can double fist with a glass of organic wine. No judgements here.)


Green Smoothie Ingredients:

1 head of romaine lettuce

1 head of spinach or kale

1/2 cucumber

3 stalks of celery

1 banana

1 apple

1 orange

1 lemon

handful of cilantro

handful of parsley

filtered water

Put all the veg in a blender. Add about two cups of water to start, adding more depending on the consistency you like. If you use a high powered one like a Vitamix, you might get it all in one shot. Otherwise, blend it up a couple items at a time and make sure to get it super smooth! No one wants to chew their smoothie, thank you very much.

Feel free to switch up the greens and veggies. Some people omit the cilantro and parsley. This is acceptable. Try subbing in kale for the spinach or pears for the apple. Pineapple and carrots are fab as well. Use what’s in season and local if you can! Avoid berries, melons and grapefruits — for some reason they just don’t work. Be careful to keep the ratio of the fruits and vegetables the same. It should be a tasty smoothie but not overly sweet.

This green smoothie recipe makes about two litres, depending on how much water added. We recommend consuming about a litre a day which means you can share the leftover with another babe in your life. It’ll also stay fresh for two days — if you feel like being selfish.

green smoothie ingredients

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