Be an ocean hero.

Why go with our omegas?

Get the same benefits as fish oil without the negative consequences. Help reduce overfishing, plastic pollution and carbon emissions:

  1. Fish free, algae-based omegas
  2. Plant-based compostable & recyclable packaging
  3. Certified carbon neutral, plastic negative and vegan

Fish oil is bad?

The plant-based omega (r)evolution.

Whether you follow a plant based diet, vegan diet or not, our Vegan Omega 3 DHA + DPA is just plain awesome! It can absorb up to 15% better than fish oil supplements, eliminates the risk of consuming ocean toxins commonly found in fish, helps you store up to 3x more omega 3 fatty acids in your body (thanks DPA!), and is a sustainable source of omega-3 (save the fishies).

Adventure Forever

Customer Reviews

Based on 754 reviews
Linda Nagel
Love taking this!

I so appreciate the fairly recent change in the composition of Vegan Omega 3 DHA +DPA from Freshfield!! I didn’t really know anything about affects of carrageenan so taking this new one now feels much better….It’s outer texture is still smooth but feels more natural, maybe not so shiny in appearance, but goes down very well still! Thank you for making this possible! Linda

Thankful to have vegetarian Omega-3 source!

I expect they work, but hard to say. However, ordering etc. all goes very smoothly and I'm SO glad I have a vegetarian option for Omega-3s. Have been taking them for a few years now and yes, I'm a healthy old vegetarian!

Julia Mendoza

Works great

Kris Crozier

I wish that I could control my own account without getting approval. Very frustrating. Last fill you charged my personal
Account and not cc. Very frustrating.

Nilaxi Maken

Vegan Omega 3 DHA + DPA (UK)